chip8 had hexadecimal keyboard like on the right, here is the mapping:
1234  --->  123C
QWER  --->  456D
ASDF  --->  789E
ZXCV  --->  A0BF

Additional keys specific to oxi8:
Enter     ---> Reset game
Backspace ---> Back to game listing
Space     ---> Pause game
I         ---> Enter/Exit Debug mode
O         ---> When in debug mode, print CPU state, decrement timers, execute 1 instruction
+/=       ---> Increase CPU Hz by 10
_/-       ---> Decrease CPU Hz by 10
0         ---> Set CPU Hz to Chip-8 default of 500hz
9         ---> Set CPU Hz to SChip default of 1000hz
oxi8 git repo here
Click a game to play in your browser: